Wednesday, November 30, 2005


What would the week be without an Oregon picture? This is the Cutler City side of Siletz Bay, looking West towards Salishan Spit, the Money Houses. Past that, the ocean. I always wondered about the wood. Did it come down the Siletz River... or from the Ocean? If it came from the Ocean, how did it get through the bay? Unfortunately, driftwood can't talk.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


A clear summer night looking up into the vast expanse of our solar system and beyond. Wondering what is out there that us mere humans have yet to discover.... nope. Just a shot of some new snow coming down outside Work. It has it's own beauty. Untouched, still pure until it hits the dirty ground, almost to the end of the journey and still with time for a small wisp of air to alter it's path to land on more snow... to stay beautiful just a few moments longer..

Saturday, November 26, 2005

frozen lake

As the saying goes... there is always more than one view!

beginning of winter

I keep running into these tall trees. Didn't I just say that I tried to stay away from "tall" pictures? Even though the trees drop their beautiful fall colors, there is still a beauty to be found.

Friday, November 25, 2005

first snow

Well, I knew this would happen! A lot of the time the first snow will melt back off here, but this year I am back so don't count on it! I had no time for a scenic picture today, so this was from work. Just a bit different from the last time I took this picture... three thoughts today...

1. this is a different wet than an Oregon wet.

2. I don't personally own a snowshovel any longer.

3. I have a serious hole near the bottom of my right boot!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Turkey Day

I'm sorry, I didn't get around to cooking a bird this year,.... but everybody have a safe and great Thanksgiving! Remember, it's not all about the food, anyway. Be Thankful!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

faster way home

I just thought this might be a little quicker leaving work. I think we all know who would want to try it first...

Monday, November 21, 2005

final Crown Royal display

This is the final picture of the display. All in all, not a bad job. Now we'll just wait and see if we win the contest.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

almost winter

I generally try to stay away from tall photos, but in some cases you just have to. This is another shot from Deep Bay a couple weeks ago. These trees speak now, but they must have had a magnificent message with their blaze of leaves before they dropped. Four seasons. I'll have to get used to that again... Oregon had two. Dry & wet. When you go from the lush green pacific coast to the dry barren Okanogan Valley, the sense is "boy, there's not much to look at here.. not very scenic". Oh, it is definitely here. Maybe not so green or pacific blue, but it is here!

moon over the mall

Okay, I did, every once in a while, get off the beach. This is where I worked. No, not perfumainia, that place REEKED when you walked by.... 4 stores past that under the red lettering. All in all, it was a great place to work.

log frame

This is looking towards Siletz River from the Bay, and I could never resist a natural frame. It's a good thing that I had a digital camera, because there is just not enough film to catch wonders like this on the Oregon coast! Most of my photos were just wandering along the beaches. If a person REALLY wanted to take some great, professional pictures... well the props are there!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

over forty

Yay! The last post was my 40th one on this blog! Just because I was having a beer with them in the last picture, I do not have any idea why all of the cheerleaders look like they are tired! This was just after two busses, but I was noticing the cheerleaders and thinking,. . sure, I'm going to get blamed for this just because of the last picture!

The BOXES of Crown Royal are a much better plan! It looks better, they stay better, it incorporates more product from the same company, and it's a step closer to WINNING THE CONTEST! You cheerleaders better get a little MOTIVATED there!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

almost there!

Wow! Tough job! I'm just going to take me a little beer break here with the girls for a while! I still have to darken the superbowl sign, fix an edge on the upper bleachers so the bottles can't slide off, make a couple goalpost stands, paint the goalposts, put arms, legs, and helmets on the mini crown royals, and then the rest is just window dressing. I think it will make a fine display!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Siletz Bay and the Bay House

Just a quiet little spot at the bay.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Another look at the Bay

This is for you people that think there should be a little more color to the world. This is Siletz bay from the roadside access with the 3 brothers rock formation. I stopped a lot of times for pictures here, it is a great setting for pictures.

Time for an Oregon Picture!!

This was the first time that I walked up to the bay in Cutler City, after I moved there. You had to walk thru some trees, so it was a real pleasant surprise to see what a neat little beach there was! The sky wasn't a great color, but you just can't have blue skies in Oregon EVERY day.

Crown Royal Display

Well, whether we use this idea or not, the task was to come up with a display idea for the Crown Royal with a drawing for superbowl tickets in Detroit in 88 days. The idea is bleacher type setting for the big bottles... I didn't get them placed very well, but the idea is there. Now we wait and see what the boss says....

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

deep bay park

just a little bit of fall left, with a little bit of winter coming on. This is from Deep Bay park looking towards Canada.

Monday, November 07, 2005

end of the day

I thought this might make a good picture. This was taken off the loading dock where I work not too long before quitting time. This was the first day that a skift of snow appeared alongside the road IN TOWN. Lake Osoyoos in the bottom of the picture.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Siletz Solitude

I don't think I'll be quite so lucky up here this year. This photo is of Siletz Bay wetland area last January! This is dedicated to all the folks who thought it does nothing but rain on the coast. Believe me, there were a lot more days like this than there were rainy ones. This area was kind of hard to get to unless you caught the tide right, and then it was just a walk along the beach. In another hour, the sand on the right is going to be under water. This was a great spot to spend an hour or so just doin' nuthin' !!!

salishan spit

This is the Salishan Spit, with Cascade Head in the far background. In the middle is Siletz Bay, with the end of the Siletz river running into it. I lived about 1/4 to 1/2 mile off the right side of the picture and used to walk the bay beach around to the Siletz River all the time. The Spit itself was privately owned and had many, many million dollar homes on it.


Ok, it has been brought to my attention that I am not updating often enough, so I'm digging back a ways to a piece of a painting done in Lincoln City for a special person. While the painting was a lot larger, and had a lot more to it, I think this little piece of it was the most interesting and fun to do. My brother says stick with scenery and stay away from people. Hmmm. I've heard that before. Anyway, this painting was a simple gift to a wonderful niece taking care of her grandmother. I never got to meet her, but heard a lot more nice things about her.