Saturday, July 09, 2011

The Rings of Rosegrande

Traveling through the worlds of Stargate......

Closer to Home

Space Dock

A fine looking moon.

Okanogan Valley from space.

International Space Station, the earth and the moon.

The Enterprise E

Friday, July 08, 2011

Deep Space 9

A very close pass at DS9

Yes, you can fly into the structure. The top left arm. The end of it... That's the close up.

THIS is what our international space station should look like. Baby steps, I guess....


I know, I know... I am loading up the site with space pictures, but there is so much to see out there! It is kinda like looking at somebody's vacation pictures... you get the moment but not the fun of the trip to get there. So go get your own free download at It is not a large or real complicated program and a lot of fun. A very good space simulator and a chance to add on some cool stuff. I always have a big fight with zip files and just had a three day fight to get some Star Trek stuff incorporated into the program. Well, I needed someone to visit with, now didn't I. By now you have seen the Trek postings. Live long and Prosper!

Space Junk

Flying the Rings of Saturn

Close to the Hubble Space Telescope

Hubble coming up on sunrise.

catching up to the Hubble Telescope

Ah ha! Something to visit!

More Space

The top picture is Uranus and one of the many moons called Miranda.

Mars and moon called Phobos.

Sunrise at planet Earth. The yellow highlight is actually the ozone layer catching the first light of the sun.

Almost Sunrise.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Triton Moon and Neptune

Visiting Triton

Earth Orbit over the U.S.A.

Is Lost in Space such a bad thing???

Monday, July 04, 2011

Real and Not So Real

This is what Celestia shows for the asteroid Vesta....

This is what the Dawn Spacecraft took on it's approach to Vesta on June 24th, 2011.

Close enough for me.

The moon, the earth, and the sun

You have to click on this one to see it better.....

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Behind the Moon

From a program called Celestia.... A wonderful space simulator.... Here is our moon with the Earth in the distance.