Monday, October 03, 2005

Fifth Post

I just had to stop and take a picture of Siletz Bay. The rock formation is called the three brothers I think and is probably one of the most photographed scenes in Lincoln Cit due to the easy pullover access. If you look close you can see just how small the opening is. On the left is the very tip of Salishan Spit, where the seals like to lay around. On the right just above the last rock is one of my favorite beaches. You have a beautiful view of the bay , and by just walking around the corner, the whole ocean where you can see all the way from Otter Crest up to Roads end and Cascade Head. The first time that I saw this bay the tide was way out, and I just couldn't see what the big attraction of a great big mud flat was for everybody! What a neat surprise for me the next time I saw it! I definitely plan on doing a Siletz Bay painting some day.

Well, I thought the first picture would embed itself here, but I can't seem to do that, or delete it so just deal with it! This is of Road's End and Cascade Head. The second of my two favorite beaches. Poor me, this is where I would go a lot of the times my clothes were running through the dry cycle at the laundry. To me this will always mean "Lincoln City". My first view of the Ocean here was at the D river wayside with a view of Road's End.


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