Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Kathy's Castle

At the edge of a dream

stands Kathy's Castle.

Monday, January 30, 2006

A Green Place

You certainly couldn't tell from the photo, but this little "pond" is right across the road from the beach. Turn around from here and you could almost throw a stone into the ocean. Another one of Lincoln City's small hidden treasures.

Trees of Autumn

A final blaze of light before the gloom of winter descends; time to work from within for that great day in Spring when life again springs from the branches; this time in greens.

Friday, January 27, 2006

older drawings II

I don't like to go back and work on an old picture for fear of messing the whole thing up, but 'someday', I will darken and shade the clouds and water better.

older drawings

drawn in Lincoln City

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Fire Creek

This is a computer alteration of a picture I am working that kind of took on a life of it's own when I was trying to darken the drawing. I just played with the orange paint.

"fire creek"

Something New

This is a greeting card done with watercolors; just that little set that you get schoolkids.

"Sea Woman"

D River Birds

Some of the Seagulls at the D River Wayside could get a little obnoxious where they seemed to know was a bit of free lunch from people... fries, burgers, bread, chips.... I first saw the beautiful Oregon Ocean from this spot.

Small Friends

Some days I miss my Seagulls.

A Small Beach

This is a quiet little spot right close to home. Well it is right on the bay, not really that quiet, but we can pretend. This is at the mouth of Schooner Creek, right off highway 101. The strip in the middle leads to the Three Brothers rock formation. (When the tide is right!) A lot of people got wet feet coming back when the water covered this within minutes.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

A Quiet Place

The world may seem like it's going faster and faster all the time; we never quite get caught up, but nature still has it's moments...
from my lake.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Now I guess the question would automatically come up somewhere..... Do I EVER do any WORK??? Things are getting better every day...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Winter II

Yes, Winter came back with another hit of snow just in time for unloading the truck... but it sure does make these trees look better at this time of the year.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


We actually got a little bit of sunlight today, so I wandered off to my little lake to see what the camera could find. This was one of the pictures.


Just daydreamin' out at work.

What if Wave

This is a governmental view of what a tsunami wave generated from the Cascadia Subduction Zone might look like. This zone is about 40 miles off the coast... Any questions?

Mr. President

I think I'd kinda like to see this guy on the ballot, I just might vote for him. This is another site where a lot of the good stuff is in the archives at the bottom of the page. He seems to keep up pretty current with the news, so let's see what's on the Desk of Mr. President.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Cutler City

This is Cutler City taken from Taft. This was a nice spot to stop on the way home from work, or a trip to the store and just "hang out on the logs or the rocks" for a little while, drink a pop, watch the animals, the water, and people, then continue on home.
Cutler City is kind of misleading. There were no stores, no "city"... it was all residential and beach... that's about it. A trip to the store consisted of coming back around a few blocks behind where this picture was taken. Traffic! Ugh!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Baghdad Burning

Although I am a confirmed "Newshound", I try not to put "news" stuff on my blog... there are plenty others that do. This is a case of stumbling onto a blog randomly, finding that it was not only interesting and well written, but EDUCATIONAL as well. I have barely dented the surface of what this girl has written, but what I HAVE read so far sounds a lot more realistic and closer to the truth than any news show, special report, or speech have. This seems to put a human point of view to the receiving end of American Diplomacy in the Middle East. Read a few posts of this and then watch the news with eyes a bit open wider than they were. This is over two years of posts. It is very long, but is broken down into dated archives. I have tried to put this one to the beginning entry, but you still have to scroll to the bottom of the page. She really doesn't need much of an introduction, but the beginning is the best to better understand her. This blog has been turned into a book and has won awards. It does not take too long to see why. Click to experience Baghdad Burning.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


The original "blogs" were a lot harder to work and put out on the web than the 'automatics' that we have now... A person had to know HTML language and all the tricks like doing your own web page to produce a blog, and one of the main functions for that "weblog" was to provide an easy link to something else on the web that was relevant or of a like interest. I have not been doing that because I did not know how..... until now. So look out, when I find something I think is amusing, a link just might appear in the middle of my blog like the revenge of the mouse. This one just appeared to be "outta control!" For anybody reading this blog, you may find that what I find amusing does not always represent my beliefs, and sometimes there is just no explaining personal humor, so take it or leave it, it's just there.
You may have seen my photo of the wonderful building where I work, which I took from the top of the RV park road, so here is a little food for thought. Plans look so good on paper!
Also, while I am going link crazy for the first time, I thought it would be interesting to show you where I was living in Lincoln city, according to Portland News Tsunami research. I lived right at the top of the "L" in Cutler City. My plan was to keep a surfboard type thing in the house for the cats to have a chance! For anybody not using links before, if it's a different color or underlined, if you click... you will go, and simply use the 'back button' to return to the blog. Now I hope all of this works....

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Ayel Lake

This was a quick 10 - 15 minute sketch to show my Niece how to start a drawing and it just kind of took off on a life of it's own. Take note young lady, the cloud I didn't like turned into one of Bob Ross's happy little mountains that changed the picture quite a bit. Now for your first assignment, draw a background, and a field with a horse in it... maybe a rail fence. Heck, draw five of them! Just DRAW! Scribble! They are just for you and just for fun. Kick that blank white piece of paper's butt!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Crown Winner

Crongradulations to Buffalo New York, but personally... I think ours was better. Next time......

The Ugliest

This has got to be the ugliest building that I have ever seen! If this is the best US-Canada can come up with together, then I strongly suggest we work on our own in the future. I have seen stock pens, backyard chicken coops, and dumps that looked better. What better way than this to say... "Welcome to my beautiful country!"

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Lowland Trees

I don't know... maybe next time I will sell him some trees! Note.. Drawing with a mouse sideways is not a fun thing... Alright! Three posts, one picture. Out of trouble.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Lowland Color

A quick computer color make-over ... does this count as two posts???

Lowland Falls

Okay, I got in trouble for not updating my blog so here is a quick 2 hour drawing that wasn't quite finished but I caught my brother at the right time and sold it to him... (yes, I DID give him the "brother discount"!) I'm thinking he should have a whole series or panorama set! Anyway, it's the first of the year, and I thought I'd better get a little busier with my artwork.