Baghdad Burning
Although I am a confirmed "Newshound", I try not to put "news" stuff on my blog... there are plenty others that do. This is a case of stumbling onto a blog randomly, finding that it was not only interesting and well written, but EDUCATIONAL as well. I have barely dented the surface of what this girl has written, but what I HAVE read so far sounds a lot more realistic and closer to the truth than any news show, special report, or speech have. This seems to put a human point of view to the receiving end of American Diplomacy in the Middle East. Read a few posts of this and then watch the news with eyes a bit open wider than they were. This is over two years of posts. It is very long, but is broken down into dated archives. I have tried to put this one to the beginning entry, but you still have to scroll to the bottom of the page. She really doesn't need much of an introduction, but the beginning is the best to better understand her. This blog has been turned into a book and has won awards. It does not take too long to see why. Click to experience Baghdad Burning.
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