Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A world of black and white

It has been suggested that I live in a black and white world. This could have some truth in it. Black and white can take on many faces. You do or you don't. You can or you can't. Like or dislike. Here or there. Dark or Light. Laugh or cry. Stay or go. (you get the picture) Being able to see in black and white is useful to me, I suppose. To see something and be able to say "act or don't act", now what is needed here? Black and white will help to get something defined... a loose "rough draft". After that point I can use color. Color sets me on the way as to how, or when, or why. Feelings can't be fully defined in black and white, nor can Love. Actions are regulated by feelings and feelings are color. Otherwise you just simply feel or you don't feel. Valentine's Day is all about the color of black and white. You know you love. The color is how much. How you feel. A day to be reminded of why you feel that way. A day to say "I Love You." Or, as I like to look at it, a day when you either feel loved or lonesome. Up or down. Happy or sad.....

Happy Valentine's Day !!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your words speak volumes about simplicity. Seeing life in simple terms, as in black and white, is really seeing life, for life really is simple. Adding color adds depth and dimension as you say, it is the cosmetic makeup used to enhance. But it doesn't change the simple fact of what is. "If you close your mind in judgements...your heart will be troubled. If you keep your mind from judging and aren't lead by the senses your hearts will find peace." (from the book of Tao).
Happy Valentines Day Cascadeboy!

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