Monday, September 14, 2009

Toats Coulee Flight

1. Okay, a picture got missed here in first post, so these are out of order... you'll figure it out! Still climbing up and thinking.."what if I can't see the ground"???

2. Finally after ten or fifteen minutes (well it SEEMED like a long time!) I made it to the top of something... I started down low and just crawled and scratched my way up the canyon building speed where I could, but it was a steep climb! At one point just before landing, I passed out over a drop off and had a real case of vertigo or something like that. It was a very wierd and real sensation. I put the heads up display on the landing picture so you can see the altitude listed on the right...

3. Climbing up.
4. Getting close to the turn up Toats Coulee. Just at the entrance.

5. On to Toats Coulee!


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