Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Increasing Sales

I was hoping that this might increase sales a little bit... you know, a gazillion here.. a gazillion there.. it all adds up! I hope Mr. Whittington is still recovering nicely. I will always remember him as the lawyer who forgot his quail... uh, forgot his duck... er, forgot TO duck! You know what I mean! Personally, I think this has been great for the Vice President. Now when he goes to Iraq he can stand up there in front of all those troops and say "I have been where you are, and had to make the decision to pull that trigger or not"! Can't wait to see what you pull next.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correct me if I am wrong, but I read that Whittington was one of the more "liberal" Republicans, often voicing dissent against our system of prisons, the fact that the system is broken, and other issues, he was not a died in the wool Republican. At least not the current administrations definitive "Republican". I found that information interesting in light of this little accidental shooting. I recall a Texan once saying "you're either with us or agin us!" Case in point!

5:51 PM  

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