Just an old Campsite
In 1999, we were all wondering what would happen with the year 2000. Y2K. Some went a little crazy with it and spent a lot of money, some got rich selling survival secrets, and I think many just ignored it. (If we do that, then it will just go away!) I had my campsite. With a little extra preperation such as canned food and warm clothes, I knew we could weather just about anything out until Spring. I used to sit in this campsite and think alot, about the Y2K, and what would happen to people if it were as bad as some believed. It seems long distant now, but the hope was that the government would maintain their infastructure, and in a matter of time, everything would be okay. Recent examples of Katrina devastation show how ineffective they might have been. Now days, there are other concerns, sooner or later we are going to run out of oil and that gas is going to get a lot more expensive. Everything will. Life will have to change. I will probably not have my campsite, which was a great place for me, but I am close. It was almost magical, to take five steps from cultured and well manacured yard to primitive campsite that completely hid the "yard". I still believe in the campsite. We should always be prepared..
I agree, back in the days leading up to 2K though I made "some" preparations to weather a few days or weeks of discomfort, whatever I thought at the time they might be (stocked up on water, dried and canned foods, oil for lamps, batteries, even some firewood for our secondary heat source - a wood burning furnace we had kept intact)I foolishly believed our Govt had a "plan" in place to cover any possible disaster. How innocent and ignorant we all were, and many still are. Since Katrina I know not to expect anything from a Governmental source. It is up to us as individuals to prepare for what life may toss our way, and to assist our neighbors, who we hope, expect, will have made some preparations as well. Since moving to California and living right along the fault line it raises other concerns we'd never had to consider before.
Therefore, in light of Katrina, we have made "basic" preparations once again. Your campsite environment provides good training, and I feel, like you, we were fortunate indeed the infrastructure did not collapse in the second that 1999 became Year 2K. We dodged a bullet, a very large one (Katrina has made us realize that!)...in that there WAS no plan in place to handle a possible crises, though we'd had a decade or more to plan for one. Those who don't learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. Lets learn from Katrina... lets be prepared.
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