Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Saturday, February 25, 2006
These guys stopped by to visit yesterday, they were pretty busy feeding so I couldn't get any closer without scaring them off, and I didn't want them to miss dinner just for pictures. They stayed about a half an hour, then no doubt went down to the lake. Most of the heads are straight up, so you can tell they were getting wary and paying attention to me.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Increasing Sales
I was hoping that this might increase sales a little bit... you know, a gazillion here.. a gazillion there.. it all adds up! I hope Mr. Whittington is still recovering nicely. I will always remember him as the lawyer who forgot his quail... uh, forgot his duck... er, forgot TO duck! You know what I mean! Personally, I think this has been great for the Vice President. Now when he goes to Iraq he can stand up there in front of all those troops and say "I have been where you are, and had to make the decision to pull that trigger or not"! Can't wait to see what you pull next.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Near Enloe Dam
You might call this the calm before the storm. What looks like a very peaceful river actually drops off about 90 feet!
Since I didn't take a picture of the falls while I was there, (saving that) here is a picture of what they look like.
Similkameen Drive
Thursday, February 16, 2006
The bridge of Drift Creek Falls
This is a foot bridge that a great grandmother could walk across. It is half the reason for going to Drift Creek Falls. I was a bit discouraged by the soundness of it... no loose boards or frayed ropes to watch out for on this thing! Of course I remember a couple footbridges from my days as a boy on the Methow where a foot bridge was a foot bridge.
I found this castle while I was walking the Road's End Beach one day; there was nobody else around. It had been abandoned. I studied it for a while, wondering about the people who had been there. With no written record, I could only guess that they had skills in engineering, they were industrious, used materials that were available locally. There was a certain beauty to the whole place so I'm guessing they took pride in their work. Ramparts and a moat says that they looked to the future with a thought for security and planned ahead. It must have been a somewhat advanced civilization that once inhabited this empire. No longer. It simply sits there waiting in the sand. Waiting for the inevitable wave of destruction. Could this be a land we once knew? Some unknown people have left a message in the sands of time. It is up to us to understand what the message said.....
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
A world of black and white
It has been suggested that I live in a black and white world. This could have some truth in it. Black and white can take on many faces. You do or you don't. You can or you can't. Like or dislike. Here or there. Dark or Light. Laugh or cry. Stay or go. (you get the picture) Being able to see in black and white is useful to me, I suppose. To see something and be able to say "act or don't act", now what is needed here? Black and white will help to get something defined... a loose "rough draft". After that point I can use color. Color sets me on the way as to how, or when, or why. Feelings can't be fully defined in black and white, nor can Love. Actions are regulated by feelings and feelings are color. Otherwise you just simply feel or you don't feel. Valentine's Day is all about the color of black and white. You know you love. The color is how much. How you feel. A day to be reminded of why you feel that way. A day to say "I Love You." Or, as I like to look at it, a day when you either feel loved or lonesome. Up or down. Happy or sad.....
Happy Valentine's Day !!